The Making of a Transgender Child

Kelli Anne Busey Says:
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October 14, 2013 at 12:25 pm
Gullasmag has finally come out as a full fledged trans hater. Anyone reading this please note, Gullusmag is not transgender, a ally or even a friend of transgender people.

Gullusmag has been fighting against trans peoples social progress for years. Gullusmag is a “TERF” Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist, a splinter group of our allies, radical feminist.

A Statement of Trans-Inclusive Feminism and Womanism


We are proud to present a collective statement that is, to our knowledge (and we would love to be wrong about this) the first of its kind.  In this post you’ll find a statement of feminist solidarity with trans* rights, signed by feminists/womanists from all over the world.  It is currently signed by 790 individuals and 60 organizations from 41 countries.

The statement can be found here in English. It is also available in French, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian and Serbo-Croatian.

The complete list of individual signatories is available here, or alphabetically or by country. The signatory list of organisations and groups is available here. We would love it if you signed it too. You can either use this form, or email us, or post a comment on this post or on the statement.

Our continued thanks to everyone for your support.

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Vimeo Video: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He’s Not Transgender

Got this message via Facebook from Jed Rosenberg of the Denver Wrangler demanding I take a picture down which was being used under the “Fair Use”  exception to the copyright law. New images courtesy of the creative geniuses at Transadvocate where this is cross posted. This picture STAYS UP.

Fair Use:
Commentary, Criticism, Parody.

My name is Jed Rosenberg and I’m an online marketing consultant for the Denver Wrangler. I couldn’t find an email for you, so I’m writing you today via Facebook to request the removal of an image that appears on the blog site,, specifically on your authored blog article, “Watch: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He’s Not Transgender” ( The name of the file is “lugg.png”
The Denver Wrangler did not give you permission to use the image on your blog and violates their legal rights. Could you please take it down? I wanted to ask you first before submitting a report to Blogger.

Also, this image appears in your Facebook images and timeline in a related post on September 3, 2013. Can you please remove that image as well?

Update 9/18/2013

Somehow the Denver Wrangler has persuaded facebook to violate the original planetransgender post about this. When I try and post the planetransgender article I get this message:

Wrangler facebook denying posting planetransgender.  3  PNG

Now back to the original story……

Drag artist Vito John Marzano was denied admittance to the Denver Bear bar the Wrangler because according to the manager his license did not match his gender expression. This was in direct violation of the Colorado Department of regulatory agencies (Dora) Public Accommodations Discrimination policy posted below.

This was not the first time the Wrangler has been called out on transphobia. Autumn Sandeen posted about this bar while while trying to find a trans friendly watering hole for a upcoming visit to Denver on Pams House Blend in 2008.

The Wrangler has since removed that discriminating policy from their website but obviously they still adhere to it in thought word and deed.

Vito John Marzano posted this to the facebook group “Boycott the Denver Wrangler”:

“The Denver Wrangler has a well documented history of discriminating against people whose perceived gender identity on their ID does not match how they present.”

“I did not know this until the night of 8/31, when I went there in Drag after a drag pageant at Hamburger Mary’s. I was denied entry for the above stated policy by General Manager Phil and the Assistant Manager Pat.”

The youtube Vito recoreded on public property with full knowledge of the Denver Wrangler staff:

Somehow the Denver wrangler has persuaded youtube to take down that video. It has since been uploaded to Vimeo.

Vito John Marzano continues:

“I pointed out that Colorado has an anti-discrimination law against transphobia, their response is that I am not trans. I asked how would they know the difference and they tried to say the first step for any trans individual is to get a new ID from the state. I then got into a four minute argument with them (all on video) about this discriminatory policy. Their response was very clear: no drag queens, no trans (unless your ID matches your gender identity), and nobody who doesn’t adhere to their myopic view of masculinity. I also want to point out that after this incident, I went into three different bars (two of which are straight) with my ID and asked the bartender if they would serve me. They were shocked I was even asking and more shocked that a gay bar on Denver would do this. Then women started telling me how they are discriminated and treated horribly by the Denver Wrangler when they have gone with their friends.”

“This entire policy is bullshit. Not only is drag an integral part of LGBT culture, our trans- and genderqueer kin should not be denied entry into an established whose primary function is to take money from the LGBT community. I am also going to point out that that Denver Wrangler has been previously challenged. Their “policy” was taken off their website. It may not be on their website but it is still going strong and it is enforced by the bar staff.”

“The LGBT community needs to come together and fight any form of discrimination, even if it comes from our own community. Boycott the Denver Wrangler until they treat all of their patrons equally.”

Update 9/5/13

The Wrangler Retaliates and threatens allies and boyfriends on the Rush Rugby Team. A email forwarded to me by Vito John Marzano.

Colorado Law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation based on certain protected classes (characteristics). Examples of prohibited discriminatory practices include: terms of service; denial of full and equal service; intimidation; failure to accommodate; access; conditions; privileges; advertising; and retaliation. A place of public accommodation can be a: bar; restaurant; financial institution; school or educational institution; health club; theater; hospital; museum or zoo; hotel or motel; public club; retail store; medical clinic; public transportation; nursing home; recreational facility or park; and library.

Colorado law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation based on actual or perceived sexual orientation. By legal definition, sexual orientation means heterosexuality, homosexuality (lesbian or gay), bisexuality, and transgender status. Transgender status means a gender identity or gender expression that differs from societal expectations based on gender assigned at birth.

Denver Wrangler on Facebook and on Twitter.

....Transsexual International Media Examiner.... TIME blog

The planet-transgender as we know it may be coming to a end. As a matter of fact unless things change dramatically the planet has crashed, smashed into pieces by Goggles greedy sledge hammer. Damn Google.

So google in a cost cutting move eliminated the old reliable functional blogger dash board and replaced it with a highly dysfunctional ‘interface’. Many bloggers like myself with older computers are now unable to upload pictures and many of the other options we had, with our blogger dash board.

And I lose 300 visitors daily who will eventually become disenchanted with the lack of new articles and the visits, what I have worked so hard for will dwindle off to a few a day.

This is truly a sad day but one I have been forced into facing. leaving the old planet searching for a new…..Boldly blogging where no transsexuals has blogged …to a…

View original post 7 more words

Occupy Wall Street driven by intellectual children

Partu rient montes, nasc etur ridiculus mus. Morbi commodo metus vel orci lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean mollis. Donec tincidunt, leo vehicula sagittis euismod, neque eros eleifend libero, eget rhoncus neque orci a ligula. Fusce tempus lacinia augue. Nulla lacinia commodo est. Praesent eget dui at diam dictum pellentesque. Proin a velit. Mauris elementum urna sit amet tortor. Donec neque leo, suscipit a, tempus ut, dictum sed, ante. Phasellus in est.

Nulla facilisi. Proin egestas dolor a neque. Vestibulum eu metus nec ipsum pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam ac purus quis arcu faucibus egestas. Nulla aliquam. Duis nec metus. Etiam in turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum iaculis mattis orci. Suspendisse luctus sem vehicula erat. Duis ante enim, pellentesque eu, luctus quis, placerat sed, erat. Ut egestas aliquam elit. Praesent sit amet diam.

Nulla eget nibh vel magna vestibulum sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur mi. Etiam lacinia iaculis erat. Etiam dignissim arcu in tellus. Duis ultrices, orci non posuere accumsan, leo quam congue diam, nec molestie nisi lorem vitae ligula. Morbi tincidunt. Nam magna pede, luctus eu, fringilla non, congue non, orci. Nam mattis. Nullam lacinia. Nam et sapien. Vestibulum nec lacus eget risus auctor ultricies. Phasellus et nibh. Curabitur fringilla. Curabitur lectus. Nullam sed lectus quis metus iaculis interdum. Donec magna. Mauris ullamcorper velit non nisl. Morbi dolor augue, interdum in, aliquet ac, malesuada aliquam, libero. Proin faucibus, tellus in volutpat tincidunt, ante orci sagittis nulla, vitae viverra orci urna id nulla.

G-20 Nations Reach General Consensus

Vim salutatus conse quat erant erroribus, eam enim quidam prodesset id. Mucius prodesset defini atsed, eoseu postulant consetetur. Quosumo suscipit adipiscing ad. Eised unum probo affert, cuaffert fabulas luptatum per. Sit graeci quodsi tibique eu, at nam soluta salutatus consequat. Ex sea dicat dicta, novum quidam vis ei, sit soluta facilis delectus an. Mei ad odio dicit essent, idque molestiae adipiscing has no.

Diam eleifend qualisque duo at, elitr indoctum repudiandae in vim, ne virtute aliquyam insolens mea! Eu putant audire volutpat duo, tation essent eu qui, erroribus torquatos cotidieque ei usu! Id quo alii utinam abhorreant, has melius meliore adolescens in. Vim qualisque ocurreret corrumpit te, ubique audiam sed no? Propriae indoctum percipitur ne duo, nonumy copiosae appareat at vim. Duo enim discere consulatu no, mea scripta splendide moderatius ei, ut agam utinam persequeris sed.

Ponderum lobortis at vis, sit fabulas democritum ne, kasd senserit consequat nec ex? Ius eu alii unum recusabo, tritani insolens usu ei, sea nisl simul instructior ex. Ne brute dictas inciderint mei, cu est regione luptatum gubergren. Eam id civibus lobortis voluptatibus, homero pericula reprehendunt ut quo, est id deserunt laboramus. Erant timeam omittam vix ne, commodo scripta probatus pro in, duo id partem quodsi mollis.

Turkey is Optimistic About Nabucco Pipeline

Nunc posuere, lacus a suscipit posuere, tellus magna fringilla diam, sollici tudin sapien augue eget odio. Fusce metus nunc, consequat et ultricies non, eleifend eget tortor. Morbi orci nulla, imperdiet sodales pharetra, ultrices id quam. Quisque porta neque eu lectus volutpat a lacinia nulla faucibus. Praesent non augue ac sem porta aliquet. Ut gravida bibendum justo ut condimentum. Cras consectetur euismod massa eget mattis. Donec tincidunt ultricies fermentum. Proin fermentum odio in turpis rhoncus laoreet. Suspendisse ullamcorper turpis sed erat consectetur eu sagittis justo pulvinar. Curabitur ac nunc eget purus fermentum rutrum id vitae massa.

In ut lorem purus. Mauris cursus nunc at metus vulputate tristique. Mauris et lectus purus. Curabitur ut euismod nibh. In congue lacus vel augue convallis molestie. Aliquam nec orci non nibh consectetur lobortis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tellus in tempor. Praesent vel velit lacus, vel commodo mauris. Pellentesque tristique ligula placerat nunc pretium rhoncus nec sit amet tellus. Pellentesque semper tristique ligula, at vestibulum justo venenatis non. Nullam ullamcorper facilisis lobortis. Vestibulum varius ipsum quis sem consequat molestie. Aenean ligula diam, dignissim quis feugiat in, mattis a orci.

Quisque laoreet leo commodo tortor pellentesque ornare. Vestibulum porttitor est sit amet libero condimentum pharetra. Nunc quis libero tellus, eget consequat nisi. Quisque eleifend sagittis diam eu pharetra. Maecenas scelerisque, mauris quis lacinia imperdiet, erat urna blandit sapien, vel vestibulum lorem dolor eget eros. Donec in ipsum diam. Quisque turpis massa, pulvinar et accumsan molestie, suscipit ac risus. Morbi ut ante orci, sed semper erat. Phasellus dignissim quam et neque rutrum venenatis. Morbi et mauris sit amet arcu eleifend elementum. Aenean ac arcu nec leo interdum gravida. Morbi eu ultricies lectus.

Winter Weather Causes Travel Chaos in Europe

Morbi orci nulla, imperdiet ac sodales pharetra, ultrices id quam. Quisque porta neque lectus volutpat lacinia nulla faucibus. Praesent non augue a sem porta aliquet. Ut gravida bibendum justo ut condimentum. Cras consectetur euismod massa eget mattis. Donec tincidunt ultricies fermentum. Proin fermentum odio in turpis rhoncus laoreet. Suspendisse ullamcorper turpis sed erat consectetur eu sagittis justo pulvinar. Curabitur ac nunc eget purus fermentum rutrum id vitae massa. Fusce metus nunc, consequat et ultricies non, eleifend eget tortor.

In ut lorem purus. Mauris cursus nunc at metus vulputate tristique. Mauris et lectus purus. Curabitur ut euismod nibh. In congue lacus vel augue convallis molestie. Aliquam nec orci non nibh consectetur lobortis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tellus in tempor. Praesent vel velit lacus, vel commodo mauris. Pellentesque tristique ligula placerat nunc pretium rhoncus nec sit amet tellus. Pellentesque semper tristique ligula, at vestibulum justo venenatis non. Nullam ullamcorper facilisis lobortis. Vestibulum varius ipsum quis sem consequat molestie. Aenean ligula diam, dignissim quis feugiat in, mattis a orci.

Nunc posuere, lacus a suscipit posuere, tellus magna fringilla diam, a sollicitudin sapien augue eget odio. Quisque laoreet leo commodo tortor pellentesque ornare. Vestibulum porttitor est sit amet libero condimentum pharetra. Nunc quis libero tellus, eget consequat nisi. Quisque eleifend sagittis diam eu pharetra. Maecenas scelerisque, mauris quis lacinia imperdiet, erat urna blandit sapien, vel vestibulum lorem dolor eget eros. Donec in ipsum diam. Quisque turpis massa, pulvinar et accumsan molestie, suscipit ac risus. Morbi ut ante orci, sed semper erat. Phasellus dignissim quam et neque rutrum venenatis. Morbi et mauris sit amet arcu eleifend elementum. Aenean ac arcu nec leo interdum gravida. Morbi eu ultricies lectus.

In Lost Finale, A Graceful Farewell

Sed sodales justo. Vest semper orci vel orci. Nullam tincidunt, pede in porta elementum, metus sapien porttitor libero, vel tristique nisi dolor quis justo. Donec quis libero. Nulla facilisi. Mauris lobortis blandit orci. Aliquam non tellus sit amet mi sodales vehicula. Sed mollis urna vitae metus malesuada semper. Fusce at orci. Donec aliquam, libero et fermentum bibendum, eros nibh auctor erat, eget facilisis elit arcu sit amet dolor. Duis a magna. Nunc ultricies, ligula ac volutpat sollicitudin, arcu sapien blandit orci, ut tincidunt magna leo non enim.

Fusce tincidunt. Etiam ut felis. Nulla egestas. Nullam iaculis. Maecenas a tellus ac metus venenatis aliquet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque tempus egestas nibh. Fusce rutrum, metus nec eleifend condimentum, diam arcu suscipit dolor, in vehicula est nisi ut metus. In vel mauris. Donec a enim id lorem facilisis dignissim.

Fusce at orci. Donec aliquam, libero et fermentum bibendum, eros nibh auctor erat, eget facilisis elit arcu sit amet dolor. Duis a magna. Nunc ultricies, ligula ac volutpat sollicitudin, arcu sapien blandit orci, ut tincidunt magna leo non enim. Pellentesque sodales dui ac nisi. Fusce at orci. Donec aliquam, libero et fermentum bibendum, eros nibh auctor erat, eget facilisis elit arcu sit amet dolor. Duis a magna. Nunc ultricies, ligula ac volutpat sollicitudin, arcu sapien blandit orci, ut tincidunt magna leo non enim. Pellentesque sodales dui ac nisi.

Duis sodales, nulla a cursus ultricies, sem lorem egestas nisi, vel varius magna nisl in pede. Donec nec mauris rutrum tortor lobortis blandit. Mauris quis elit. Cras sit amet elit. Mauris lectus ligula, hendrerit eget, porta sit amet, pellentesque feugiat, felis. Pellentesque viverra vehicula mi. Curabitur dui arcu, tempus sit amet, dignissim at, aliquet ac, arcu. Cras placerat consequat purus. Vestibulum non urna. Maecenas feugiat, dolor ut condimentum euismod, felis magna suscipit nisl, vel ultrices est libero in nibh. Nam condimentum facilisis nulla.